We Don’t just Transform Process. We Think it, Breathe it, Live it.

And change begins with great ideas.

Getting to easy is hard.

Rebuilds processes for the digital age by combining design-thinking insights & data-driven analytics.

From increasing customer acquisition rates to increasing sales, we focus on the total…

Whether you have an existing digital process or want to build one, We can design…

We can make your company’s business processes work better and help you save costs.


Our industry professionals are able to deliver better ideas and solutions embedded with a deep understanding of each client’s business and industry. We build lasting relationships with clients, focusing on understanding the client’s perspective, and their needs.

The industry focus of our experts allows us to offer comprehensive solutions for clients seeking opportunities and to avoid threats emanating from the industrial factors. Our expertise & support empowers our clients to react quickly to dynamic industry conditions & capitalize on emerging trends that affect their business.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are a few of the common ones that we get, along with answers to the questions. Contact us if any of your questions are not answered here.

When was the Company’s Initial Public Offering?

We began trading on the New York Stock Exchange on February 8, 2012.

Where has GLB performed international / overseas work?

GLB has performed work in South America, Africa, the Middle East, Asia, and Europe.

How can I contact the Board of Directors?

You can contact the Board of Directors on this page.

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Cost savings from a complete customer experience redesign for a global retailer


Reduction in year-over-year contact minutes for a consumer manufacturer


Improvement in customer satisfaction ratings for a large provider
We take processes apart, rethink, rebuild, and deliver them back working smarter than ever before.


Hizmet etmekle yükümlü olduğumuz halkımıza şehircilik hizmetlerini en iyi, en güzel şekilde sunmak. Mali ve teknolojik altyapısı sağlam bir belediye olarak, belediyenin görev, yetki ve sorumluluğu çerçevesinde hizmet veren ve hizmetlerin sürdürülebilirliğini sağlayan belediye olmaktır.


Halkının talep, öneri ve şikâyetlerini dikkate alarak onlardan güç alan, adil, şeffaf ve dürüst politikasıyla temiz ve doğal çevre için özgün nitelikleri ile öne çıkan, imkânlarını hizmete dönüştürürken, çağın gerektirdiği tüm teknolojik değerleri kullanan, insanın ihtiyacı olan tüm hizmetleri sorumluluk alanında bilen, kaliteli, öncü ve seçkin bir belediye olmak.